Music Engineer – Be on time!!

Music Engineer – Be on time!!

Maria Angel

Be on time!!

How do you explain to your students that it is the small details that often make the difference. Well, like this.

Maria Angel, is the Operations and Partnerships Manager at production company, MediaTracks and a music engineer. Moving country and finding your way in the industry is no mean feat. But, her grounding has served her well.

Here is a great answer to what it means to have a professional attitude from the outset. Each year, Marcel will have a few students work shadow him. A big shout out to St Benedicts and Alleyns career departments for giving their students some pointers.

Marcel had a student from St Benedict’s in London who was always on time. But, when the bus was cancelled, and he thought he may be late called to apologise in advance. ‘He wasn’t late’ but Marcel appreciated it. And Alleyns, the student had a booklet that got filled in to let the school know he was always on time.

Both students made a real impression. It meant we were happy to introduce them to our network. The small details!!

It is a recurring theme expressed by the pro’s in Creative Pathways, on their own journey. Not necessarily anything to do with talent.

Find out more about Charlie’s industry knowledge and experience along with insights from other music professionals. If you are a school or educational organisation we offer a free trial of Creative Pathways.

Music Lawyer. There is no set way to do what you want to do

Music Lawyer. There is no set way to do what you want to do

Charlie Phillips

Creative Pathways met Charlie Phillips at a The Ivors Academy drinks event. He had just taken up a interim position as CEO of the Ivors Academy.

Marcel learnt early on that he had his own business as a Music Lawyer specialising in music rights. The whole ownership of music and royalties is a really dynamic world, especially in these times of streaming, DIY music making, etc.

His job is fascinating and so relevant. He’s operating in a world he is passionate about. Helping get musicians paid!! His career journey is also illuminating.

Composing electronica whilst studying, gaining studio experience after uni, working for a major radio station, studying law. All of these experiences have contributed to his knowledge and understanding of the industry. It might feel random, but it is a valuable example for young people recognise there is no set way to do what you want to do. Certainly not in the music Industry.

Here’s a small sample of one of his answers to a question on advice on an entry into the industry on a service level.

Creative Pathways is about making young people and parents aware of interesting jobs and careers in the Music Industry.

Find out more about Charlie’s industry knowledge and experience along with insights from other music professionals. If you are a school or educational organisation we offer a free trial of Creative Pathways.

Computer Games composer. What skills are important?

Computer Games composer. What skills are important?

Chris Rickwood

Marcel met Chris Rickwood in Athens, USA.

Chris is a composer for video games. Marcel was at the TMEA Conference with MusicFirst presenting the new learning and compositonal software, OGenPlus.

The wonderful Heath Jones who set up the Tech Village asked Marcel to be on a judging panel for a composition competition for young people in the state. At the Awards Evening, Chris, alongside UK artist Max Wheeler and Marcel did a Q & A for the audience and young composers. Chris’s considered advice, experience and insights into composing were fantastic. So, details were swapped in a hope of getting a contribution for Creative Pathways.

The overall drive for providing an avenue using music technology and composition Georgia is very exciting and inspiring. Chris, is a homegrown composer. There is nothing as motivating for students as hearing and meeting someone from the same education system forging a successful career as a composer. He has many wonderful insights and words of advice in Creative Pathways.

His school days, and how he moved from performance to tapping into his creative side is really worth your students watching. He explains how it works, how to try to get into the industry and much more. I loved this advice about importance of continuous learning & ‘truly’ LISTENING. It’s universal.

Find out more about Chris’s industry knowledge and experience along with insights from other music professionals. If you are a school or educational organisation we offer a free trial of Creative Pathways.
